Daily Max/Min temperatures, 24 hourly rainfall + daily sunshine totals and grass min temperatures for some locations. Max amd min temperature values are taken from the appropriate group in the global exchange SYNOP messages
"This site is presented as is and no guarantee is made as to the timeliness or accuracy of the data. The user assumes the entire risk
related to any use of this data. Also on no account should the information available here be used for flight planning or any other
operational purposes. Every effort has been made to ensure that only data freely available under the terms of WMO Resolution 40 (Cg XII) are
presented." This is purely for the enthusiasts that frequent '
**If I am causing any concerns to any Countries 'National Weather Service' (NWS), please e-mail me and I will remove them from the list.
My sincere thanks to Stewart for creating the tools, Steven with excel and John for all his help with the computer/internet side of things. And not forgetting many subscribers to '' who have helped in many ways, especially Matt for his lessons on synops ~ thankyou.
Key to Worldwide Reports
* Max - maximum temperature.
* Min - minimum temperature.
* Tg - ground/grass minimum temperature.
* Sn - Snow depth in cm.
* H% - Humidity %.
* Wind speed & gust generally past 10 minutes.
* sp - speed
* Gu - gust
* Conversion to knots applied for locations reporting m/s.
Data from snow onwards generally taken from evening synop locally. (18:00) Barometric Trend
* F - Falling
* R - Rising
* S - Steady
* R~F - Rising then falling
* F~R - Falling then rising
* s - Slowly
* F- Fast
Only MSLP displayed.
This following data is derived from the spreadsheets I use to create my daily summaries for my Web Site.
The accuracy of which can not be guarenteed.
Please only use as a guide, as this is by no means 'official' data. I will work a 12 month rolling data.
(The accuracy and the timing of this information can not be guaranteed - All decoded data is manually uploaded most evenings, so personal circumstances may cause delays or omissions).